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Dear City on a Hill Families,
As Quarter 2 comes to an end, we want to applaud all of our students who just completed their first virtual Midterm Exam and Oral Proficiency Week. Although there were technical difficulties that arose, CoaH students were resilient and all exams well-attended. Additionally, the quarter will be ending on Tuesday, February 2nd and you should be ready to receive a phone call from your students’ advisor to schedule a time to meet via zoom to discuss Quarter 2 Grades. Finally, we have sent out a survey to get additional feedback on remote learning and returning to school. If you haven’t had a chance to do so yet, please click this link to access the survey. We are aiming for 100% of families responding.
At City on a Hill, we have two Citizenship Awards that we give to students every month. The Maya Angelou Perseverance Award goes to students who have shown improvement and a will to overcome adversity. The Thurgood Marshall Citizenship Award goes to students who show leadership and a desire to help their fellow classmates, teachers, and community. For quarter 2, there will be an award winner in each category at each grade level. The winners will be announced about our Awards Ceremony Town Meeting and receive an amazon gift card via their school email. We would love for Family Members to join us at our awards ceremonies if you’re able.
11th & 12th Grade Awards Ceremony
Wednesday, February 10th, 9:45am - 10:45am.
9th & 10th Grade Awards Ceremony
Friday, February 12th, 11:45am - 12:45pm.
We will also be giving out awards for excellence and perseverance in every subject, as well as honor roll grades, and advisory attendance awards.
We kicked off our Black History Month celebrations early with a movie-watching party of the Movie Soul on Friday, January 29. In Civics classes, students have begun working on their Great People’s Projects where they research people of color who have had a great impact on our country and our world. They will be making videos to send to their Civics teachers and the best videos will be featured in our Black History Month Town Meeting Celebration at this zoom link: https://cityonahill-org.zoom.
on Wednesday, February 24th from 9:45am - 10:45am . Please save the date and the zoom link - we would love to see you there! In addition to Civics videos, we will be featuring student and faculty performances as well as some special guests from outside the City on a Hill Community. If you would like to be part of our celebration, please reach out to Chief Schools Office, Sonya Pratt at [email protected]
City on a Hill is excited to announce another virtual event: a Movement & Mindfulness Class with TRILLFIT, a purpose-driven wellness business changing the face of group fitness based in Mission Hill, who were featured on Good Morning America last week. This class is free to all City on a Hill Staff, Families, and Students. Our class will be one of their more accessible offerings for all ages, a Sculpt:Restore class. Description below:
Slow down and relax your major muscle groups with Sculpt: Restore. Using restorative yogic principles as the guide and a candlelit heated room as the scene, Sculpt: Restore acts as a revitalizing complement to your daily TRILLFIT practice. Give your body some love muscle group by muscle group with slow-flow sequences designed to stretch your body from head to toe. Increase your mobility, ditch the stress, and restore your vibe.
Sign up for this event here.
We'll be hosting this event via Zoom on Thursday, February 25th at 6:00PM, and it will be led by TRILLFIT instructor, DJ! Please come if you’re available, we would love as much participation as possible.
In the words of the late, great actress, Cicely Tyson, “challenges make you discover things about yourself you never really knew.” We want to thank all our families and students for persevering through the unbelievable challenge of learning virtually during a global pandemic.
Laura Edouard, Principal Sonya Pratt, Chief of School